Siralim Ultimate False Godsに関してのメモ


本ゲームのエンドコンテンツの1つであるFalse Godsが解放されたため、メモします。
ちなみにですが、解放条件のNether Boss二周はdepth 420くらいで達成です。
私は100時間くらいかかりました。Battle Textを全部Noneにして、あまり詰まらず攻略していたので、これで早いくらいだと思います。

False Godsとは




敵を倒した際に出てくるRuneでFalse Godを強化したり弱体化させたりする。(強化すると報酬UP)

全員倒したらFalse Godのフロアへのゲートが出現するので入って倒す。





False Godsを1体倒すごとに1つ取得でき、最大で5つ付けれます。

False Godごとに取得できるSpecializationのperkが異なっており、ClericのあのAnointmentsが欲しいからこのFalse Godを倒そう…


例えば、ClericのHoly Might(持っているバフ1つに付き、与ダメージ10%増加)をバフ職であるWardenに付けるとぶっ壊れそう…など、さらなる強化が狙えます。



Reputationは各属性ごとにあり、例えばNatureのGuildからBountyを受注して達成すると、Nature GuildのReputationが増加します。
False Godごとに持っているOrbの属性があるようで(説明文に書いてある)、それと合わせると上昇量が増えます。
あと、後述するRuneでFalse Godを強化しても上昇量が増えます。

Reputationを増やすと、God Shopみたいな感じでSpellとCreatureを買うことができます。


敵を倒し切ると6個くらい出ていくるので、False Godに対してその分の強化or弱体化をかけられます。
弱体化を選べばFalse Godを倒すのが楽になりますが、強化を選ぶとReputationの増加量が増えるため、いい塩梅で選んで挑む必要があります。

ちなみに、430階くらいでFalse Godを2体(Lost Construct,Saint Althea)倒しましたが、あんまり強くないです。HPが高いだけのカカシだったので、強化を多めにした方が良いかなと思います。Reputationの要求量が割とえぐそうですし。



実績的にも、最終目標はGate of the Godの各GodのDifficult 10を倒すことだと思うので、そこに大いに活躍してくれそうです。



・Pandemonium Punisher、Pandemonium Destroyer、Pandemonium Annihilator
ダンジョン内の悪魔の像みたいなやつを調べると、一定確率でPandemonium KingやPandemonium Queenが出てくるので、それを倒せばOKです。
(両方出てくるパターンで倒しても、Pandemonium PunisherのDefeat the Pandemonium King.は達成されません。)


Treasure Golem戦にて、初手Forfeitします。

・Maybe You’re Not So Bad


Nether Boss2周を回り切り、False Godも倒した現状のビルドを紹介します。






あとは、Golem種5体で固めてIron Golemで共有させました。
Golem種はIron Golem以外に、Gold GolemとWar Golemは必須です。
Gold Golemはバフが単純に強いです。
War Golemは2回攻撃が単純な火力向上になります。




ちなみにですが、ビルド関係なく埋めるGemはPanic Attackがおススメです。


Holy Explosion
Major Resurrection


Holy Explosionは全体攻撃で、invisibleやAttack無効対策です。

Major Resurrectionは蘇生呪文で、仲間が倒れた際に使います。


Attack連打が基本で、invisibleされたらHoly Explosion、仲間が倒れたらMajor Resurrectionで大体勝てるかと思います。

========== CHARACTER ==========
nullkara the Siegemaster
Achievement Points: 1258 / 4289 (29%)
Time Played: 104:52:36
Game Version: 0.9.11

Total Perk Points: 1550

========== CREATURES ==========
Level 2737 Granite Golem
Fused with Stardust Amaranth
Golem / Life

Health: 33694
Attack: 13149
Intelligence: 8772
Defense: 23004
Speed: 13149

Innate Trait: Embolden
This creature has extra Defense equal to 50% of the creatures’ Defense adjacent to it.
Fused Trait: Exalted Detriment
Your creatures deal additional damage with attacks equal to 30% of their Defense. This trait does not stack.

Artifact: GemSword
59% Attack
36% Attack / Defense
36% Attack / Intelligence
59% Attack
84% Attack Damage
3 Spell Gem Slots
Shepherd of Fire
Savage Roar
Gleaming Bijou (Rarity: 89)

6% Agile On Damage
12% Health / Speed
25% Health
22% Attack

Trait Slot: Shepherd of Fire: At the start of this creature’s turn, it increases your other creatures’ Attack by 15% of this creature’s Attack.

Spell Gems:
Holy Explosion
Major Resurrection
Stellar Flare
Charm of Life

Relic: Lamora, Gilded Scimitar of Friden (Rank 8)

Level 2737 Moss Golem
Fused with Inaer Rift Dancer
Golem / Life

Health: 29585
Attack: 13971
Intelligence: 9320
Defense: 18622
Speed: 18080

Innate Trait: Mass Entanglement
After this creature Defends, each enemy has a 50% chance to be afflicted with Snared.
Fused Trait: Fan Dance
All effects that activate when a creature Defends will activate 1 additional time. This trait does not stack.

Artifact: GemSword_02type
59% Attack
59% Attack
36% Attack / Intelligence
59% Attack
84% Attack Damage
3 Spell Gem Slots
Spur of the Heavens
Acid Rain
Shiny Jewel (Rarity: 135)

14% Health / Speed
6% Immune On Damage
12% Attack / Intelligence
13% Attack / Defense
13% Health / Intelligence
28% Health

Trait Slot: Spur of the Heavens: After this creature Attacks, it has a 50% chance to move a random ally to the top of the Timeline.

Spell Gems:
Charm of Life
Holy Explosion
Major Resurrection
Stellar Flare

Relic: Materium, Shifting Gem of Aurum (Rank 10)

Level 2737 Gold Golem
Fused with Lost Amaranth
Golem / Life

Health: 32051
Attack: 13149
Intelligence: 8772
Defense: 18080
Speed: 17527

Innate Trait: Chip Off the Block
After this creature is Attacked, your other creatures gain Attack, Intelligence, Defense, and Speed equal to 15% of this creature’s stats.
Fused Trait: Soulstone Splinter
After your creatures are Attacked, they gain 20% Defense. This trait does not stack.

Artifact: HunterSword
59% Attack
36% Attack / Defense
59% Attack
59% Attack
84% Attack Damage
64% Chaos Strength
Shepherd of Fire
Savage Roar
Glimmering Ornament (Rarity: 124)

6% Burning On Damage
12% Attack / Intelligence
6% Confused On Damage
6% Feared On Damage
12% Health / Attack
21% Intelligence

Trait Slot: Shepherd of Fire: At the start of this creature’s turn, it increases your other creatures’ Attack by 15% of this creature’s Attack.

Spell Gems:
Holy Explosion
Major Resurrection

Relic: Dusk & Dawn, Dual Pistols of Venedon (Rank 10)

Level 2737 War Golem
Fused with Planetary Amaranth
Golem / Life

Health: 32872
Attack: 13149
Intelligence: 17527
Defense: 17258
Speed: 8772

Innate Trait: Double Take
This creature Attacks and Casts spells 1 additional time.
Fused Trait: Jailbreak
Your creatures have 40% more Defense. This trait does not stack.

Artifact: Sword
59% Attack
59% Attack
59% Attack
59% Attack
84% Attack Damage
30% Damage Reduction
Panic Attack
Shiny Globe (Rarity: 82)

12% Health / Intelligence
13% Attack / Speed
20% Intelligence
12% Defense / Speed

Trait Slot: Reinvigoration: After this creature Attacks, it resurrects a random ally with 50% Health.

Spell Gems:
Holy Explosion
Major Resurrection

Relic: Ferro, Great Axe of Gonfurian (Rank 11)

Level 2737 Iron Golem
Fused with Nexus Amaranth
Golem / Life

Health: 22477
Attack: 17527
Intelligence: 13149
Defense: 17258
Speed: 13149

Innate Trait: Self-Awareness
Your Golem s share their innate traits with each other.
Fused Trait: Collective Unconscious
After your creatures gain Defense, they gain an equal amount of Attack. This trait does not stack.

Artifact: Sword
59% Attack
59% Attack
59% Attack
59% Attack
84% Attack Damage
30% Damage Reduction
Dark Embrace
Panic Attack
(Empty Nether Slot)

Trait Slot: Dark Embrace: After your creatures die, this creature gains 25% of their Attack, Intelligence, Defense, and Speed.

Spell Gems:
Holy Explosion
Major Resurrection

Relic: Rosenthorne, Dark Blade of Erebyss (Rank 10)

Level 2740 Surathli
Fused with Revenant Cabalist
Avatar / Death

Health: 32908
Attack: 19739
Intelligence: 9879
Defense: 17277
Speed: 12341

Innate Trait: Prayer Position
At the end of your creatures’ turns, they Defend. Your creatures take 90% less damage while they’re Defending. This trait does not stack.
Fused Trait: Pain Redefined
After this creature Defends, it takes damage equal to 20% of its Maximum Health and grants 1 random buff to all your creatures.

Artifact: perfectSword
59% Attack
36% Attack / Speed
36% Attack / Speed
59% Attack
84% Attack Damage
64% Chaos Strength
Dark Embrace
Acid Rain
Gleaming Sphere (Rarity: 63)

14% Defense / Speed
6% Arcane On Damage
10% Damage Reduction

Trait Slot: Dark Embrace: After your creatures die, this creature gains 25% of their Attack, Intelligence, Defense, and Speed.

Spell Gems:
Absolute Corruption

Relic: Arbiter, Holy Shield of Surathli (Rank 10)





========== CHARACTER ==========
nullkara the Warden
Achievement Points: 1179 / 4289 (27%)
Time Played: 97:46:48
Game Version: 0.9.11

Total Perk Points: 1550

========== CREATURES ==========
Level 2404 Granite Golem
Fused with Stardust Amaranth
Golem / Life

Health: 29598
Attack: 11551
Intelligence: 7706
Defense: 20207
Speed: 11551

Innate Trait: Embolden
This creature has extra Defense equal to 50% of the creatures’ Defense adjacent to it.
Fused Trait: Exalted Detriment
Your creatures deal additional damage with attacks equal to 30% of their Defense. This trait does not stack.

Artifact: HPArtfact
59% Health
59% Health
59% Health
59% Health
30% Damage Reduction
30% Dodge Chance
Twist of Fate
(Empty Spell Slot)
(Empty Nether Slot)

Trait Slot: Twist of Fate: After your creatures Cast a Life spell, they gain a random buff.

Spell Gems:

Relic: Wintermaul, Great Hammer of Azural (Rank 10)

Level 2404 Moss Golem
Fused with Inaer Rift Dancer
Golem / Life

Health: 25989
Attack: 12273
Intelligence: 8188
Defense: 16358
Speed: 15882

Innate Trait: Mass Entanglement
After this creature Defends, each enemy has a 50% chance to be afflicted with Snared.
Fused Trait: Fan Dance
All effects that activate when a creature Defends will activate 1 additional time. This trait does not stack.

Artifact: Helmet
59% Health
59% Health
59% Health
59% Health
30% Damage Reduction
30% Dodge Chance
(Empty Trait Slot)
(Empty Spell Slot)

Spell Gems:

Relic: Rosenthorne, Dark Blade of Erebyss (Rank 10)

Level 2404 Gold Golem
Fused with Lost Amaranth
Golem / Life

Health: 28155
Attack: 11551
Intelligence: 7706
Defense: 15882
Speed: 15396

Innate Trait: Chip Off the Block
After this creature is Attacked, your other creatures gain Attack, Intelligence, Defense, and Speed equal to 15% of this creature’s stats.
Fused Trait: Soulstone Splinter
After your creatures are Attacked, they gain 20% Defense. This trait does not stack.

Artifact: Helmet
59% Health
59% Health
59% Health
59% Health
30% Damage Reduction
30% Dodge Chance
(Empty Trait Slot)
(Empty Spell Slot)

Spell Gems:

Relic: Fleshripper, Bloodied Cleaver of Tartarith (Rank 10)

Level 2404 War Golem
Fused with Planetary Amaranth
Golem / Life

Health: 28876
Attack: 11551
Intelligence: 15396
Defense: 15160
Speed: 7706

Innate Trait: Double Take
This creature Attacks and Casts spells 1 additional time.
Fused Trait: Jailbreak
Your creatures have 40% more Defense. This trait does not stack.

Artifact: Helmet
59% Health
59% Health
59% Health
59% Health
30% Damage Reduction
30% Dodge Chance
(Empty Trait Slot)
(Empty Spell Slot)

Spell Gems:

Relic: Ferro, Great Axe of Gonfurian (Rank 10)

Level 2403 Iron Golem
Fused with Nexus Amaranth
Golem / Life

Health: 19738
Attack: 15389
Intelligence: 11546
Defense: 15154
Speed: 11546

Innate Trait: Self-Awareness
Your Golem s share their innate traits with each other.
Fused Trait: Collective Unconscious
After your creatures gain Defense, they gain an equal amount of Attack. This trait does not stack.

Artifact: Shield
59% Defense
59% Defense
59% Defense
59% Defense
30% Damage Reduction
84% Attack Damage
Salted Earth
True Light
(Empty Nether Slot)

Trait Slot: Salted Earth: After this creature Defends or Provokes, enemies lose 30% Defense and Speed.

Spell Gems:

Relic: Dusk & Dawn, Dual Pistols of Venedon (Rank 10)

Level 2408 Surathli
Fused with Revenant Cabalist
Avatar / Death

Health: 28924
Attack: 17349
Intelligence: 8684
Defense: 15186
Speed: 10847

Innate Trait: Prayer Position
At the end of your creatures’ turns, they Defend. Your creatures take 90% less damage while they’re Defending. This trait does not stack.
Fused Trait: Pain Redefined
After this creature Defends, it takes damage equal to 20% of its Maximum Health and grants 1 random buff to all your creatures.

Artifact: HpArtfact_mk2
59% Health
59% Health
59% Health
59% Health
30% Damage Reduction
30% Dodge Chance
Psychic Barrier
(Empty Spell Slot)
(Empty Nether Slot)

Trait Slot: Psychic Barrier: At the start of this creature’s turn, it gains Defense equal to 50% of its Intelligence.

Spell Gems:

Relic: Bloodseeker, Hungering Dagger of Mortem (Rank 10)

